Bendito Mito

Our Approach To Mezcal

Traditional Techniques,

Modern Excellence

All Bendito Mito varieties are produced as artisanal mezcals. The journey begins with agave plants that grow for six to 15 years before being harvested. The agaves are then roasted in underground earthen pit ovens, a process that imparts unique flavors to the mezcal. Fermentation follows, lasting at least 3 to 5 weeks, with some varieties taking up to half a year to reach perfection. This meticulous process guarantees a rich, complex spirit that honors centuries-old techniques while embracing modern sustainability practices.

Roasting the Agave

Roasting is a critical step that gives mezcal its distinctive smoky flavor. We use traditional earthen pit ovens, where agave hearts (piñas) are roasted over hot stones. This process takes several days and requires careful monitoring to ensure the perfect balance of smokiness and sweetness.

Fermentation and Distillation

After roasting, the agave is crushed and left to ferment with natural yeasts. This process can take several weeks, depending on the environmental conditions and the specific mezcal variety. Once fermentation is complete, the agave mash is distilled in copper stills, capturing the essence of the agave and the unique terroir of Puebla.

Sustainable Practices

Bendito Mito is committed to environmental stewardship. Our sustainable practices include organic cultivation, waste reduction, and reforestation efforts. We strive to leave a positive impact on the environment and the communities we operate in.

Aging and Bottling

Some of our mezcal varieties are aged in oak barrels to develop additional complexity and depth of flavor. The final step is bottling, where we ensure that every bottle meets our exacting standards of quality and authenticity.